The idea for this feature request originated from a user who would likely create custom banners for each of their projects. If someone needs to create custom Banner points, it is currently much easier to accomplish in Q vs. Displayr. For instance, let’s say that I want to create a banner with the following banner points: * Under 25 and make >$100K * Over 50 and Married * Men with 2 children Using Displayr, I would need to use the Filter dialogue three times to create each of these variables and then put them on a banner. I would also need to adjust the labeling for the responses, changing it from “Selected” to whatever more descriptive text I’d like. In Q, I can use the Create > Banner > Code menu to set all of this up within one dialogue. We should migrate this option over from Q (possibly modernizing it as well like we have done with the Filter and Weight creation options) and place it within the Anything menu ( Data > Variables > New >Banner ).