

Displayr: Line > Line Visualization > Minimum Axis Value should default to smallest value when "Automatically Determined"
On a Line > Line visualization, the minimum axis value defaults to 0 when no specification has been made on Chart > VALUES (Y) AXIS > Minimum Value. Here is video of replication / discussion. [ https://numbersint-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/adam_gross_displayr_com/Ea1niRRchpdOua4PIiJSATABIL6ykBh29tTZEVAUznGSaA?e=wrTISh|https://numbersint-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/adam_gross_displayr_com/Ea1niRRchpdOua4PIiJSATABIL6ykBh29tTZEVAUznGSaA?e=wrTISh|smart-link ] To replicate: Step 1: Using cola tracking. Step 2: Open Displayr project and create a crosstab table (any two variables will do). Step 3: Insert Line > Line and use the table created in Step 2 as input. Step 4: Note that the vertical axis starts at 0 even though it is expected to adjust closer to the minimum value (as it does for max). !image-20220321-151952.png|width=1208,height=700! Workaround: Step 1: Insert this on line 196 before the chart is created: {noformat}#calculate the minimum from Column % minval = verbs::Min(pd$data[,,"Column %"])*.9/100{noformat} Step 2: Near line 444, where {{values.bounds.minimum}} is set, comment out the line there and set it equal to the calculated value, should look like: {noformat}#values.bounds.minimum = get0("formValuesMin"), values.bounds.minimum = minval,{noformat} Affected User: Alice Renaud [ arenaud@leger360.com | mailto:arenaud@leger360.com ] Leger [ https://displayr.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/86515|https://displayr.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/86515 ] [ https://canadacentral.displayr.com/MyAccount?company_id=441521&tab=summary|https://canadacentral.displayr.com/MyAccount?company_id=441521&tab=summary ]
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