Ensure auto-coded outputs work with QCodes
Tim Bock
Merged in a post:
More Intuitive Automatic Classification into Existing Categorization
Adam Gross
Users can partially categorize a text variable using semi-automatic or manual text analysis, then use automatic categorization to code the remaining. But this is a difficult-to-remember process, as it requires many mouse clicks and accessing disparate parts of the UI.
The process is outlined here: https://help.displayr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360004056996-How-to-Automatically-Classify-New-Text-Data-Using-an-Existing-Categorization
This feature request is to suggest that the process of automatic classification into an existing code frame is incorporated INTO the semi-automatic or manual coding interface.
Perhaps something like... a greyed-out button that reads "Code the rest for me" which, after a sufficient number of responses are coded, becomes clickable.
Mattias Engdahl
Merged in a post:
Automatic categorization should save as QCodes files
Orange Mammal
Automatic categorization variables should export as .QCodes files so that users can continue to code as you would via manual and semi-automatic categorization.
Mattias Engdahl
Merged in a post:
Allow automatic categorization to output QCodes
Plum Harrier
Automatic categorization features should output QCodes editable coding data instead of non-editable binary variables.