Ability to apply filter within weighting module
Fun Horse
Customer says:
“I’m wondering if there is an easier way available to do things?
e.g. let’s pretend I have a study where I have collected a market sample through a panel and a client sample through a client list and I now only want to weight the market sample, but don’t want to apply any weighting to the client sample.
I other tools I would set a filter on market sample and create a weight just for these, and then later fill the missings with 1.
If I understand it correctly in Q I have to first downweight my client sample to 0 (which makes the weighting diagnostics useless) and then rebase the weight and combine it with the weight for the client sample (which still would be 1).”
Essentially she wants to be able to avoid creating multiple weights and down-weighting categories to 0 by using a filter instead.