WYSIWYG exporting of tables to Excel
Justin Lew
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Justin Lew
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Borders around spans when exporting Tables to Excel
Shy Deer
The user would like an option for borders to appear around banner spans when exporting to excel. This would make it a little easier to differentiate between the spans.
Justin Lew
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Add styling options for exporting to Excel
Aegean Gorilla
Customer would like to export to Excel using a predefined style. Currently we're restricted to the styles that Microsoft make available.
Justin Lew
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Visual representation of table styles whilst exporting to excel
Amber Muskox
When selecting attributes from the advanced options during exporting pages to excel, customers are presented with a list of table styles but they are unable to tell what each excel table style looks like.
It would be good for the customer to be able to select a table style from a visual representation of each just like they can when selecting a table style in the object inspector.
Jamie Morris
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Ability to customize and format export of Banners
Vian de Villiers
When exporting tables that contain Banners, it will be great to offer users the options to customize their banner labels by being able to centre them in the table and also another option to bold them so it makes it much easier to read. Currently Displayr idents the banner labels to the left.
Current Export (screenshot 1)
Ideal Export (screenshot 2)
Jamie Morris
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Displayr: Show Table Style Names
Creative Impala
When users assign a table style in Displayr, there is nothing to tell them what the corresponding table name is in Excel. It would be helpful for the Displayr interface to show users what the table style name is either via a label, hover text, or some other method.
Here is what the current interface shows, which is a preview of the style itself, but the name does not appear anywhere:
It would also be helpful to users to allow them to know the name of the style applied in an existing table somewhere in the object inspector.
We’ve also had the same user request that people exporting from
mode be able to have the same accessibility to table style names.J
Justin Lew
in progress
Justin Lew
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Allow Users to Export Tables to Excel with Specific Styling
Topaz Marlin
A user has created a stylized table in Displayr, but can only export to Excel in the list of styles available in Excel. See the attached image as an example of the styled table on the right, and the “plain” Excel styling once exported. Perhaps something that would act like export as an image.
!image001 (1).png|width=1382,height=477!
Justin Lew
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Include cell formatting when exporting the Segment Comparison Table to Excel
Violet Stork
Currently in both Q and Displayr, when a user exports the segment comparison table, just the data in the table is exported, but none of the significance highlighting in the table. Users would like the Excel export to include the formatting as well, enhancing the segment comparison table’s utility in exported reports.
Justin Lew
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Better styling of tables when exporting to Excel
Brick red Gibbon
It’s not possible to style R Outputs when exporting them to Excel. Further, the styles available when exporting "normal" tables to Excel are the ones that are pre-defined by Microsoft. The user would like more options to customize how tables export to Excel in general.
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