Ignore folders and text boxes when determining what can be modified in aggregate
Advisory Mammal
If a user organizes their pages into folders (as they would for crosstabs), they cannot easily select the pages in the folders to apply global changes like filters, weights, etc. If they shift-click to select the pages, they also select the folders, and the folders are being treated as objects that don't have filter, weight, column options etc. This means if a user has a large report (say, 300 pages under 10 folders) they have to ctrl + click 300 times to apply a global filter or weight when they should be able to just select everything and have the program know to ignore folders in the selection.
Can the UI be updated so that folders and text boxes are ignored when determining whether objects in a selection are the same, so if we select several folders of tables, we can work with all of those tables together without having to click every single one?
Jamie Morris
Jamie Morris
Merged in a post:
allow changing of stats/banners even if selected item can't be changed
Linguistic Tyrannosaurus
If a user has a large dashboard and organized in folders - selecting everything to update a filter isn't possible - only pages that have an updatable object can be updated.
Can it be updated such that one could select everything and still update?
Jamie Morris
Hi Advisory Mammal, thanks for raising this. We've done some investigation and found that if any of your page nodes are expanded, they will cause the multi select to malfunction.
I have logged this as a bug, and we'll make this work even if page nodes are expanded.
In the meantime, if you ensure these are collapsed (by clicking the arrow to the right of the page/folder icons), the multi-select should work.
Jamie Morris
under review