Custom error handling/override in GUI
Reluctant Rook
Some table outputs throw an error in red and are put in an error state if they are empty (versus native tables that display a “no data” message). In this case, all of the dependencies of the table output (in this case an autofit table) will also show as in an error state and the cached previous results are shown. The user wanted the table that was dependent to be blank or show an error message rather than showing the cached results. In order to do this, you need to edit the R code of the first table to use tryCatch() and suppress the “ERROR” and then edit the second table’s R CODE (which errors because the first table is empty) with the same function so that both tables just return blank/a custom error message if they’re in error.
Would be great if there could be a checkbox which would suppress the error _state_ of the output if desired so further error handling could be done down further in the dependency chain.
Jamie Morris
Merged in a post:
Widget to hide output and customize error message
Magenta Trout
Make a built-in widget for the “Overlaying a calculation” method here: Ideally can set the color of the background, custom message, and have a few different options on when it gets triggered (if values are 0, there’s no data, or output in error - though I don’t think there’s a way around the in error thing at this time).
Jamie Morris
Jamie Morris
Merged in a post:
Custom Widget to appear when there is no sample in the table
Olive Caterpillar
A user wishes to have a widget appearing over a Vis when there is no sample available to show.
The widget would be positioned above the Viz and would hide it when needed.
Jamie Morris
Merged in a post:
A custom message to appear when no sample is available
Lemon Dinosaur
A user wants a widget that would return an error message when an output (Viz) can't be produced due to no data available.
Jamie Morris
under review
Jamie Morris
Merged in a post:
Add better error handling for visualizations
Gold Viper
R-based error messages often make no sense to customers, especially when hooked up to visualizations.
Built-in GUI options for creating a custom error message or even a customizable default message would work better.
Jamie Morris
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Global controls for R-based error messages
Gray Gayal
Customer would like to be able to change the format of the default error messages you get when there is no data to show in a visualization. Perhaps a global setting that controls font style and size etc.
Jamie Morris
Merged in a post:
Need error message customization without using R code
Purple Scallop
Need a way to customize an error message on a visualization without code. In this instance, the user’s table had no data which was causing the visualization to error out, so user wanted to add in a custom error message for their dashboard viewers instead of the ugly one that is presented automatically.
Jamie Morris
Merged in a post:
Displayr: Customize error message/handling on built-in tables and charts
Denim Gecko
Add a section or something to basic built-in tables/charts that allows the user some customization on how to display the output if in error (blank the output, add custom error message, add icon or something).
More detail:
Currently if a table errors out because of insufficient data or something there’s an ugly icon and generic error message. Anecdotally, many customers have been annoyed by this in the past in addition to Denali. The current workaround is to create a custom output using R code that is transparent if the table is rendered ok, and then becomes white/opaque and hides the underlying table if it is in error. This can be tedious, adds processing time to the dashboard, and requires using custom R code which many users are necessarily happy/equipped to write.
Jamie Morris
Merged in a post:
Customer to be able to use a custom error message widget instead of code
Poised Flyingfish
Customers do not want to have to use custom R code to generate an error message.
What they want is the interface/menu options where the customer can select the desired fields to build a custom error message logic and content without having to write the code.
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