Automatically add table name to text box in Displayr
under review
Orange Mammal
The customer is looking for an automated way to display table titles:
“For instance I have a bunch of ethnicity variables where labels are all yes/no (i.e. they are the same--there's no way to tell apart from row labels) and i want all of them on the same page. I want the question text or table name to show up above the table by default or through applying a rule, but would settle for text boxes that automatically show up above tables by default or by applying a rule that are grouped with the table and can be typed into. When one big advantage (I thought) of DisplayR over Q is ability to have multiple things on one page, how can ability to automate titles of these things not be built in? I have to be the millionth person who has brought this up or more likely I feel like I must be missing something.”
Jamie Morris
under review
Jamie Morris
Merged in a post:
Add table heading for tables
Controlled Hornet
The request is to automatically add table headings when adding a table to a page.