Allow R calculations to be able to reference Right and Below statistics
Jamie Morris
Jamie Morris
Merged in a post:
Access marginal statistics in R
Jade Goose
Ability to access Table Right and Table Below statistics in R. This will help when people want to create custom table formatting or do table manipulations but want to keep their marginal statistics in the final output.
Jamie Morris
Merged in a post:
Allow R to access Statistics - Right and Statistics - Below
Tender Wildcat
Currently, in Q and Displayr, R code can’t access Statistics - Below or Statistics - Right as it can the rest of the table. This means that a user needs to use multiple outputs or cumbersome workarounds if they wish to combine statistics together in a single output. For example, if they have a column chart of a Nominal - Multi variable set and they want to show the average alongside the chart, or as an annotation. Or if they want to sort a table by the Statistics Right > Average.
Jamie Morris
Merged in a post:
R access to marginal tables
Royal Camel
Just another request to allow R to access tables below and tables to the right…
Jamie Morris
Merged in a post:
Allow R code to access Statistics - Right
Turquoise Swan
R can’t access
Statistics - Right
only Cells, but it should be able to. Otherwise users need to bring up this figure in the cells and show multiple statistics there which can get messy.J
Jamie Morris
Merged in a post:
Access right and below statistics in tables in R
Denim Gecko
Desired outcome:
Be able to access statistics in the below/right table in built-in tables in Q/Displayr. For example, be able to access the averages in the last column on this table in R directly:
More detail:
Many times users add totals and averages to the bottom/right of tables and want to be able to access these in their custom R code. You can add some of them to cell statistics, but for others created by Rules (like naive totals/averages) you cannot.
Making these available to R would also open up the window to adding such information to visualizations and other Standard R outputs as well.
Jamie Morris
Merged in a post:
Give R access to table_right and table_below
Silver Finch
Just another request to give R access to marginal statistics in Statistics > Right and Below on tables